Monthly Archives: December 2009

HM3: Tops Female Spandex now available

As the title says, I've just released the "TopsFemaleSpandex" set of items into the wild for use with the HeroMachine 3 Alpha. All of the items from the male set are included, along with some extras for changing the waist line of the various tops, and a couple of halters. Here's a quick look at a few of the latter:


Let me know in the comments if there are items you were hoping for that you don't see, or any problems that crop up.

I'm not sure what I am going to work on next. People have requested some feminine footwear, although I was thinking that probably hairdos were a higher priority. Or maybe Dresses or something like that. Let me know what you'd like.

Random Panel: Great moments in bad analogies


(From "Captain Midnight" number 3, 1942.)