Monthly Archives: December 2009

Laying it all out

Hammerknight put together a series of comic book templates you could use in a paint program like Photoshop or MS Paint or whatnot to assemble your own issue out of your HeroMachine characters. Thanks once again, big guy! After the jump you'll find layouts for the cover and multiple different pages. Just click on any one to get a full-size version which you can save to your local hard drive.

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Random Panel: Great moments in bad super names


(From "America's Greatest Comics" number 3, 1942.)

Iron Man 2 Trailer

For those of you who have not yet seen it, the new trailer for the May 2010 "Iron Man 2" movie is out. I have only one word for it:


The fall of Britain

Once the mightiest empire in the world, Great Britain's fortunes have ebbed and flowed over the centuries, so it's only appropriate that their national super hero has as well. I don't know that any character, however, has hit the extremes in terms of costume design like Captain Britain has. He started out pretty bad, with this muddle of an outfit:

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Random Panel: Unorthodox martial arts from WWII


(From "America's Greatest Comics" number 3, 1942.)

Character Contest 23 Winners!

I think maybe the holidays have gotten everyone a bit busy, as there weren't a ton of entries this week. In light of that, I wanted to thank those who DID submit an illustration by highlighting one design by each of them. So here go our highlights!

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Random Panel: It looks like it was an “ass-teroid”


(From "America's Greatest Comics" number 3, 1942.)

Poll Position: Space case

Personally I've been a huge space-program nut since I was a kid, but since relatively routine flights there now seem to be on the horizon, I got to wondering about you all, too:


The answers pretty much spell out the discussion areas; rather than just a yes or no, I wanted to get a feel for why you'd want to, or not want to. My wife, for instance, thinks I am completely insane for saying I'd jump on the chance in a heartbeat. And I don't know that I have just one reason, but you so rarely get the chance to make a dream come true, I'd totally take it, risks and all.

What about you, what did you answer, and why?

Random Panel: Guest narrator John Madden does comics


(From "America's Greatest Comics" number 2, 1942.)

META: Previews

I just installed a plug-in that allows you to preview your comments before posting if you want. Let me know if it's wonky for you.