Monthly Archives: October 2009

HeroMachine and Michael Freaking Chabon

How utterly cool! In this New York Times "Style" section article, Michael Chabon (author of 2001's Pulitzer-winning “Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay,” which is a fictionalized account of the start of the super-hero comic business and a fantastic read) is described thusly:

On a recent day, Mr. Chabon scrambled to depart for the airport while the two youngest children busied themselves on HeroMachine, a software program that lets users build their own superheroes. Abe triumphantly held up a printout of a muscled hero who borrows superpowers from animals. “Look,” he said, “Animal man can take power from a seagull and fly.”

How cool is that?! Wow. I might've gotten slaughtered in my fantasy football league today, but this helps make up for it. I loved that book and to know the guy's kids are out there having fun with something I created ... wow. That's a pretty good feeling.

Random Panel: Plus it’s buy one pair, get a second pair free week!


(From "Bulletman" number 5, 1941.)

HM3: Hover chair

I've just updated the Companion-Vehicles set for HeroMachine 3 with Niall Mor's prize for winning Caption Contest 60. It's in two parts, the front and the back, so you can position a figure as if it's sitting in the chair:


Thanks to Niall for picking a great item to be included! And now, on to Texas-OU and the (hopefully) complete domination of the Sooners.

Random Panel: Surprised != impressed, Cosplay Kid


(From "Bulletman" number 10, 1941.)

HM3: Driven

I've just updated the Companion-Vehicles set for the HeroMachine 3 Alpha with the following new items:


A couple are direct requests from the last thread, and the bottom four are a result of someone asking for vehicles that had a more frontal orientation so you could pose the character inside it. The motorcycle and the Jeep are more obvious, but I left out the seat and windshield of the convertible so your dude'll show through, and the horse should be workable with a bit of body-dividing and layering.

I'm not sure what I am going to work on next ... I am strongly inclined to do a bit of programming to clean up some of the messier bits, or to follow the suggestions Mark came up with through a usability study he did, or to complete more of the contest prizes, or tweak the save code, or any one of a dozen other things that need to be done in the non-drawing arena. I was crushing it during that abortive mini-version, and now this week, and I think I need a break for a few days from actual illustration. I'll let you know for sure on Monday.

Plus, hopefully the female base template will be done soon and I can pick up with that when ready. No promises, but I'm hopeful.

So, anyway, have a good weekend and hope you like these seven new vehicles!

Halloween2: The Wizard of Hammer

Hammerknight has returned with another set of great Halloween-themed HeroMachine 3 costumery, this time reproducing the Wizard of Oz cast! It's more great work, complete with instructions for how you can do the same thing. Way to go, HK!

As usual, click on any of these to get a larger, more readable size. Here's the whole group:


And now, the recipes for each individual:

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Random Panel: Words to live by


(From "Invincible" number 7, ©2004, Robert Kirkman and Cory Walker.)

Werewolf? There wolf!

Hammerknight is back with another of his great Recipes, this time on how to build a great looking werewolf just in time for Halloween:


Click to make that bigger, and see how you can make your own werewolf step-by-step (again clicking to enlarge the images) after the jump.

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Random Panels: Great moments in bad opening scenes


(From "Bulletman" number 2, 1941. I love this strip.)

Caption Contest 61 Prize

I've just posted an update to the ItemRight-Polearms set that includes Loki's prize for winning Caption Contest 61. Actually, there are TWO "rune-carved wizard staves" because I wasn't sure the first one was what he was looking for. So Loki, let me know if either of these work for you:


It's a bit hard to tell, but the second two entries go together. The first has the majority of the staff one color with the globe at the end the secondary color so you can get that magical orb effect. The runes are the secondary color of the last item, the curved stone with the ties so you can attach it to another staff. That way you can have the runes "glow" a different color if you want.