The winner of Caption Contest 59 is ... Danny Beaty!

You'll notice that all of the Honorable Mentions and Danny's entry as well have one thing in common -- they all consist of a statement that will immediately be followed by plate hurlage. Which makes me laugh, given the expression on her face. Speaking of which, here are those Honorable Mentions!
- Jose Inoa: “…control? A woman’s place is in the kitchen, right Xena? Xena?”
- Bixlord: Do a good job and I’ll let you wear shoes.
- Mike: Dear what did I tell you about getting the red china mixed in with the white china. Now all that china behind you is pink!
- Oquies: “You do know we have a dish washer right?”
Many thanks to all the fine entries! Danny wins either any one item of his choice (within the bounds of reason) or a caricature of his head to be included with HeroMachine 3. I still owe Danny a custom illustration as well for a previous win, hopefully I can get them all wrapped up sooner rather than later.
I'll be putting up a Character Design Contest in a bit, so be on the lookout for that and YOUR chance to win!