Monthly Archives: April 2009

Random Panel: Lowered expectations, super-hero edition


Poll Position: Tony unleashed, DCU style

Collex's poll question last week was so good, I'm running it again but for the DC Universe of characters instead:


Thoughts after the jump.

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Random Panel: Well, except for being short and all …


(From "Golden Lad" number 1, 1945.)

Random Panel: Great moments in bad ideas


(From "Golden Boy", 1945.)

Random Panel: Where do I sign up for a surprise licking?


(From "Captain Steve Savage", 1952.)

Reason #8: The writing makes it even worse.

We already know Liefeld's art is lame, but when attached to his writing or humor, it gets even lamer. "But Jeff," you might say, "that's like saying something is more infinite than infinity or more immovable than the immovable." And you would have a point, O Anonymous Internet Philosopher Who Sounds An Awful Lot Like The Voices In My Head, but this is no ordinary art we're talking about. This crap's transcendent.

Witness the following one-panel, "Far Side"-style "humor" panels Liefeld produced in 2001. Be warned:

Not For The Weak.

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Random Panel: Oversharing


(From "GI Joe" number 4, with a tip of the hat to Chris's Invincible Super-Blog.)

(ETA: Comments closed. And removed.)

HM3: Sleeveless tops

At the urging of the much-better-than-me-at-matching-things Mark Shute, I have added about a dozen variations to the items in the TopsMaleStandard set that consist of vests with the sleeves removed. I need to add a TopsMaleSleeves set to complement this, allowing you to swap various sleeve configurations in and out.

Random Panel: Captain Steve Savage, dress-wearing ace!


(From "Steve Savage" number 7, 1952.)

HM3: America's Top Spandex now available

I just updated the Alpha with TopsMaleSpandex for your dressing pleasure.

A note about how these work. Inspired by something Mark Shute did in HM2.x, I have a set of base spandex tops with sleeves of varying lengths. Think of these as your "base" tops. You can then layer (using the "Multiples" setting) the other pieces over it to create shirts of different types. For instance, you could have a short-sleeve shirt with a deep V neck, or a scoop neck, by swapping out which neck piece you use. You could even color the neck piece the skin colors to make it look like it's part of the character's body.

I've only played around with it a bit, but it's a very subtly powerful way to create. By mixing and matching the pieces you can make some really varied effects; I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.

As usual, let me know any items you would like, but don't see, or any bugs you come across.

Eventually I'll flesh out the Tops slot with more expanded sets like in 2.x, with Coats and Overshirt type items, but for now these two ought to give you a lot to work with.

Tomorrow I'll be adding any spandex tops I've forgotten, and then will move on to facial slots (Nose, Eyes, etc.). So holler if there's anything in that regard you want to see.