HM3: No longer shirtless

I've just added the "TopsMaleStandard" set to the HeroMachine 3 Alpha so you can get your characters a bit more dressed.

This is not the sum total of all the Tops there will be in the final version!

I will start adding a TopsMaleSpandex set tomorrow, and eventually (just like in HM2) there will be other sets of related items as well, like FantasyArmor, ModernCasual, etc. But for now I want to get the basic set and the spandex and then move on.

Most of the items in this set are either redrawn from HM2 or from your suggestions over the past few months, particularly the comments to that last post. So thank you very much, there are some great items I'd never have thought of because of your input.

By all means, please look through the current set and let me know any items I left out, or that came out differently than you hoped, or any other bugs you find.

Here's a side-by-side of the new Roman Centurion armor versus the old, 2.x one.
