On Monday (Day 1 of the HeroMachine 3 development process), I finalized the slots and started researching how to load external movies (.swf files) into the main Flash application in Action Script 3. Yesterday I actually laid down sample code to do just that, and was able to load in sets of bodies and then heads from the Horror mini. I was then able to click on the previews for each item and load it onto the stage where I could drag it around and do all other sorts of nifty things to it.
That was the biggest programming challenge; now that I've settled that, I can move on to the rest of the coding. Today I am going to be starting work on the relatively complicated navigation system for choosing which slot you want to be working on, and which set of items within that slot you want. I also have to do a lot of the background stuff like deciding how to format the array holding all the slot variables, what properties to give them, conceptualize how they'll all stack, etc.
After the jump I'll put the list of slots, if you see anything missing that ought to be there, let me know. Like in the recent Minis, you'll be able to add as many items in each Slot as you want.