
I wouldn't call this a "bad super costume" necessarily (although I do wonder why her boots are different sizes and how in the name of all that's spandex her breasts don't come flying out of those metal plate cups), but I am posting it here because I love her name so much.


Slammazon. It just rolls off the tongue, dripping with promise of strong-woman, face-punching, metal-armed awesomeosity. No outfit could measure up to a name that great, so I give Kirby a pass on this one -- she looks good, but according to the laws of physics (or meteorology, I can never remember which) it's literally impossible to design a uniform as glorious as that moniker.

The gigantic pink "SHBOOM" accompanying her entrance is spot-on, though, the only way it could be better is if instead of "SHBOOM" it said (in the same font and color) "SLAMMAZON!". Because a name that good deserves to be both a character and a sound effect.