Discord Is A Fairly Informal Environment Discord is a freeware chat application available for PC and mobile platforms. Discord was released for the first time on 6 March 2015. discord server PseudoSkull launched an unofficial English Wiktionary Discord service on 31 January 2018. This server provides a secondary environment for Wiktionary users to communicate quickly. The server is not affiliated with Wiktionary nor the Wikimedia Foundation. You can join Discord by clicking the button below. Discord servers You can always say hello and join the Discord server. If no one does, it is probably because they are all away or asleep. Please be patient as everyone is in different timezones. Discord is a fairly informal environment, but rules of basic decency do apply. Inappropriate behavior can result in the server being kicked off or banned. Bans on the server don't necessarily mean bans on wiki. This is the English Wiktionary server, so discussion of other Wiktionaries will not be allowed. Administrator rights on Wiktionary are required to be granted administrator status on the server. Channels[edit] There are currently twenty-six channels on the server; six general channels (excluding #bot-spam and #wiki-auth-log) and several other channels focused on the study of specific language families. The general channels include: #general is for general discussion. - #grease-pit - The purpose of this channel is the same as that of Wiktionary:Grease pit: to discuss technical matters. #information-desk: This channel serves the same purpose as Wiktionary's information desk, where you can request any kind of Wiktionary-related assistance. #admin-and/or-bot-help – This channel allows users to request the services of people with special tools and privileges. - #vandalism - Used to track vandals so that they can be dispatched. #linguistics is a channel for discussing general linguistics. It does not include any particular language or family. - There is also one voice channel.
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