Blue Blazer

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  • in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15089

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: The Baboon
    Real Name: Brock Bennett
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: enhanced strength and speed; prehensile tail; simian acrobatic ability
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: razor-sharp teeth and claws
    Affiliations: Sinister Society
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Brock was a small-time thug when he was thwarted from holding up a liquor store by Simian the monkey man. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison because of a criminal record a mile long. But there was a riot on his cell block that allowed Brock, along with several inmates, to escape. Brock wanted nothing more than revenge on Simian, but he knew that the hero’s incredible acrobatic ability and reflexes would always beat his brute strength. He caught wind of a genetics laboratory called Arkwright Genetic Institute, which was currently running tests on several baboons to determine if they were capable of learning complex human things. Brock broke into the lab and held one of the scientists hostage, forcing the woman to inject him with baboon DNA.

    Incredibly, Brock’s plan worked exactly as he had hoped. Almost immediately his body began to change into that of a humanoid baboon. Since then, Brock has been on the trail of his target, trying desperately to kill Simian and make his vengeance complete.



    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15075

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Baal
    Genre: Demon
    Powers/Special Skills: virtually invincible; incredibly strong; able to travel between Earth and Hell
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Satan’s minions
    Other Aliases: The Golden Bull
    Status: primarily in Hell
    Made of the same gold used to construct the golden calf in Exodus, Baal is a demon who, like his inanimate predecessor, convinces people that he is a god, in an effort to bring more souls to his master Satan. He is also incredibly strong and his metal consistency makes him very resistant to damage. If he is wounded, he can return to Hell to heal all wounds. When in Hell, Baal’s job as one of the Six Princes is to torture a sixth of the souls condemned to the underworld. He takes great pleasure in running the through with his horns or trampling them under his hooves.


    in reply to: Sweger’s gallery #15066

    Blue Blazer

    That last one is my favorite so far. Welcome.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15065

    Blue Blazer

    On to the letter B!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15064

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Azure
    Real Name: impossible to be expressed in human language
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: flight; composed of various alien energies that can be emitted offensively; incorporeality
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Hero Corps
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: active
    When an alien spacecraft crashed in the middle of Cavalier Park in downtown Caligo, the supergroup Hero Corps was dispatched to investigate. What they found inside was a strange blue being cowering in fear. Thew team’s leader, Ultimate X, attempted to gently take the creature’s arm, but found that it was completely intangible. The group stood watch around the craft until the alien could gather up the courage to come out. It was then that it started to communicate. It had no face and hence no mouth, but it spoke telepathically with the Hero Corps and explained that it was an inhabitant of a distant gas giant planet, and that it had been sent on an emergency mission to find help because the planet was being overrun by a hostile race of aliens called Oktrians. Ultimate X assembled a team of superheroes capable of interstellar flight and accompanied the being back to its planet. But they were too late. Nothing remained of the blue man’s world. Now without a home, he accepted Ultimate X’s offer to return to Earth and live among humans. He also offered a place on Hero Corps for the alien man, whose real name is completely unpronouncable. Meltdown, a member of Hero Corps, dubbed him Azure for his blue hue.



    in reply to: OPERATION: DO MY DIRTY WORK #15062

    Blue Blazer

    While the turnout for this contest was disappointing, the talent of the Heromachiners who did enter is anything but. Both entries offer very different and very impressive takes on the character. I sincerely cannot decide. So, here’s what I’ll do. I declare the first ever tie in a Blazing Blue Redesign Contest. Both of these costumes will become official Killer Bee costumes, used at different times in his criminal career.

    Well done, fellas. Well done.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #15000

    Blue Blazer

    @Bad-People said:

    Ah, finally. Should be getting into B territory soon.

    Indeed. The hour draweth nigh.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14959

    Blue Blazer

    Thanks, dude!

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14955

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Azrael
    Genre: Demon
    Powers/Special Skills: flight via wings; super strength; near-invulnerability; shape-shifting; prehensile tail; expert strategist
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: Dreadblades
    Affiliations: Army of Hell
    Other Names: Satan’s Champion
    Status: primarily in Hell
    Azrael is Satan’s second-in-command and the general of the Army of Hell. One of his tasks is to train the army in preparation for the day that Satan and his minions free themselves from the confines of Hell and invade Earth. Like the other chief demons, Azrael was once an angel in Heaven. When Lucifer began to amass angels in the attempt to overthrow God, Azrael was the first to pledge loyalty to him. After the great ensuing battle, Lucifer and his fellow rebels were cast out of Heaven into the abyss, where there bodies were warped and twisted into monstrous forms. Azrael can travel to Earth, but when he is there his power is greatly diminished. He wields the twin Dreadblades, which are two swords that gain more power with every soul that is condemned to Hell. Though he looks brutish, Azrael is a shrewd war tactician. It was in a fight with Azrael that Father Devlin lost his right arm and rendered comatose.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14947

    Blue Blazer

    Name: Azatan Smith
    Genre: Fantasy
    Powers/Special Skills: master blacksmith
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Kingdom of Orrin
    Other Aliases: The Royal Weaponeer
    Status: N/A
    Azatan is the most prestigious blacksmith in the kingdom of Orrin, and is often commissioned by King Pergus to outfit his army with weapons and armor. Though Azatan basically loathes the company of other people, especially children, he is occasionally forced to take on apprentices in order to fill an order on time. He is incredibly strong and can outdrink anyone else in Orrin, and is fancied by many a maiden, but none have penetrated his gruff personality. He mostly lives his life in complete solitude, just him, his hammer, and his anvil. His incredible talent affords him the ability to not be overly respectful to the king, who actually respects the smith’s lack of fear and brutal honesty towards him.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14945

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Azalea
    Real Name: Julie Shields
    Genre: Reformed Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: pheromone detection and manipulation; poison absorption and secretion
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: Hero Corps: London
    Other Aliases: Oleander
    Status: active
    Julie was a botanist focusing on poisonous plants. Her main job was to find antidotes for various toxins and poisons used defensively by many of the plants the world over. One such plant, dubbed the Yellow Dagger, had never been seen until only a few months prior. One prick from one of its thorns would immediately send its victim into cardiac arrest.

    One night, Dr. Shields was working late in her office, studying the chemical build-up of the poison of the Yellow Dagger. Recent tests had shown her that this plant was not natural, but rather had been created artificially somewhere and introduced into the environment. She was almost done for the night when she was attacked by a trio of masked assailants. One of the attackers grabbed Julie in a full nelson lock while another pierced her with a Yellow Dagger thorn. Her body began to convulse as her heart went haywire from the toxin, and she lay still. The attackers were in the process of destroying her lab notes and findings when Julie suddenly sat up with a sharp gasp. Suddenly, a strange plume of light green mist began to issue from her mouth and drifted over to the intruders. All three began to choke and writhe in pain, until they collapsed in a heap on the floor of the lab. Julie checked their pockets and found that the three worked for an organization known as the Network.

    Julie hauled all three of the dead bodies to the incinerator in the basement of the laboratory. She discovered over the next few days that the poison of the Yellow Dagger plant had activated an untapped mutation in her DNA. She was suddenly able to take-in any poison, toxin, or venom, store it temporarily, and while in possession of it, secrete it in a variety of forms. Also, Julie realized that she was able to pick out the smell of pheromones, and manipulate them to her will.

    At first, Julie turned to used her ability to turn to crime. She would never use lethal toxins during her exploits, but she would often make security guards extremely sick. But one on bank robbery, Julie was caught in the act by a new super team called the Hero Corps: London. They escorted her back to their headquarters, where Julie first saw the superhero Albion. It was love at first sight. Though Albion was somehow able to resist Azalea’s advances, he did convince her to reform and join the Corps. Seeing little option, Julie agreed, and has been on the team ever since. She enjoys flirting with all of her teammates, including the female ones, which can get annoying to most of them, who are often put under her spell unwillingly. Her teammate Rush has absolutely no love for Julie, who has changed her name to Oleander, and wouldn’t trust her as far as she could throw her.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14943

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Ayatollah
    Real Name: Adham Khan
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: endowed with vast magical abilities
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Crimson Cabal
    Other Aliases: none
    Status: at large
    Adham was just a boy when he was turned toward the path of evil. Much like the tale of Aladdin, he discovered an urn that contained a djinn, a magical spirit able to grant wishes to its various masters. This particular djinn hated men for enslaving him, and its heart had grown hard and filled with vengeance. It convinced the boy to make his first wish to become the vessel that housed the djinn, and in a flash became partly possessed by the ancient spirit. Slowly over the subsequent years, the djinn took a tighter and tighter hold over Adham’s will, corrupting him to be as evil as the djinn itself. This relationship with the spirit allows Adham to perform powerful magic spells, which he used to convince members of the Islamic faith that he was an ayatollah, or a sign of Allah through a chosen human. He achieved this high-ranking title and enjoyed the benefits for a while, but soon longed for more power. So Adham sought out and joined the Middle Eastern superhuman terrorist group known as the Crimson Cabal.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14877

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Axis
    Real Name: Isaac Bane
    Genre: Supervillain
    Powers/Special Skills: vast gravity manipulation
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: The Sinister Society
    Other Aliases: Gyro
    Status: at large
    Isaac’s mutant ability to manipulate nearby gravitational fields surfaced at puberty. At first, this power was far less developed than it is today. He could lower the Earth’s gravitational pull on objects to make them easier to lift, and he could make himself levitate a few feet off the ground. As he grew older, however, the more he used his power the stronger it got, much like the flexing of a muscle. He became the superhero Gyro as his power evolved to allow him to repel objects from him or pull them through the air towards him, and cause objects to float through the air, somewhat like telekinesis. He lived a happy life as a public bus driver, married his sweetheart, and started a family with her. But suddenly one day, Isaac’s entire life began to fall apart around him. First he lost his job due to the lies of a co-worker. As a result, his wife left him with their two children. As she drove away her car was side-swiped by a tractor-trailer and all three were killed. A week later, Isaac’s house caught fire and burned down. Then his brother was murdered in a convenience store robbery. And finally, Isaac was arrested in connection with the untimely death of the co-worker who had gotten him fired. Through all of these events, Isaac had lost more and more of his mind until the last, when he found himself in handcuffs and in the back of a police car, he was finally, irrevocably changed. In an instant he raised the gravity of both officers in the front seat of the car to such a high degree that they were crushed. He freed himself from the car and fled into the wilderness. Over the next few days he used hi power to construct a new home, where he began to plot his revenge on the universe itself. After months of hiding, Isaac finally emerged as Axis, with his power now at terrifyingly expansive levels. To aid him in his quest for the destruction of Earth, he began to recruit other villains, until he had under his command an intercontinental network of supercriminals which he named the Sinister Society. Axis has now become so powerful and so insanely bent on annihilation, he has officially become the U.S. government’s #1 most wanted terrorist.


    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14871

    Blue Blazer

    For anyone who can’t come up with ideas for new characters, check this page out . I’ve definitely dipped it into it a few times when my creative well has run dry.

    in reply to: Blazing Blue Universe #14870

    Blue Blazer

    Alias: Awesome Man
    Real Name: Glenn Hillman
    Genre: Superhero
    Powers/Special Skills: unaided flight; super strength and durability; heat vision
    Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: none
    Affiliations: none
    Other Aliases: Captain Crusader
    Status: active
    Glenn got his powers back in the 1950’s when he was the victim of an experiment performed by evil scientist Dr. Dread in an attempt to manufacture a superpowered henchman. Unfortunately for the doctor, he had mixed up Glenn’s name with that of an ex-convict. Being a good man, Glenn used his unwelcome but very handy new abilities to apprehend the meddling scientist and then embarked on a decades-long crime-fighting career as Captain Crusader. For a long time, Glenn was a big deal as a superhero, but as times changed and more and more super-powered people turned up, his old-fashioned personality and look began to make him a bit unnoticed. Fearing he would be cast into obscurity, Glenn hired a publicist, he completely re-vamped his look to appear more modern and hip for the youth of today. Reluctantly, Glenn donned the suit and changed his alias to Awesome Man. Sadly, this change only brought on jeers and taunts at Glenn’s obvious drive to appear cool without actually being cool. But hey, even bad publicity is still publicity, right?


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