Forum Replies Created
Black GriffinParticipantOver the Years I’ve created Two different images of my Superhero Avatar “Black Griffin” This was my first,
as you can see it wasn’t very pleasing on the eyes.This was the second where I tried to go for a more medieval ranger type look,
Still not happy with it.and Here is my Third Remake, Finally one I am happy with,
Black GriffinParticipant
There is an itch that I must scratch called heromachine.
Black GriffinParticipantLoving the Wolfman!
Me in my chainmail with my swords, french war sword on back and mini cutlass on the right, also showing my sugar loaf helmet and norse shield I’m making.
my eventual plans involve using the chainmail to create a norse raider, a saxon warrior (or norman depending on my mood) and a 13th century knight (think second crusades).
I’ll try and find reference pictures so you guys can see what I am talking about.
Black GriffinParticipantThis is the latest in my DnD Friends
Black GriffinParticipantHappy B-Day
Black GriffinParticipantMay 28, 2012 at 11:35 am in reply to: I REALLY WISH I KNEW WHERE THE BEST PLACE TO POST MY CHARACTERS WOULD BE ANY SUGGESTIONS? #5964
Black GriffinParticipantHey man, when you first click on the art gallery and see all the sub-boards, scroll down. there you should see where everyone has posted their own personal Art Thread.
Black GriffinParticipantMy next in my series of “elemental” characters. Metal.
Black GriffinParticipantTailypo is one of my favorite “ghost” stories, Love how you made him.
Black GriffinParticipantI think I’m gonna do the elements as different groups, just for fun.
First on the Earth Team, its Ox. The big and not so loveable Earth-telekinetic
Black GriffinParticipantI was digging around on my facebook page when I found this fun fantasy picture.
its something I bought the main things for, the helmet, tunic, and chest piece, and then put together a outfit using various accessories that I had around the house.I can hardly look at it now without cringing, it is truly a terrible set of fantasy armor but it still is one of my favorites.
Black GriffinParticipantwhat ears, I forgot nothing
I’ll fix it sometime
Landgrave-General Alessian of the Orange Army, Conqueror of Hemdar, One of the Three Generals and Friend of the Draconian
Hemdar has always been the country of the Draconian, or at the very least the country with the highest population of them. When Alessian invaded he found very little resistance at the end of the campaign season he had lost more men to sickness then he had to fighting.
then why did he join the ranks of the banished generals? he didn’t continue his campaign till the end of the season. in his campaign he had noticed the hooded a cloaked figures of the Draconian and had followed them back to one of their dens. there, he and his bodyguards slowly were indoctrinated into the Draconian philosophy and lifestyle. after that experience he stopped his army and now has dedicated his life to the Draconian studies of philosophy and art.
Black GriffinParticipantHowdy Howdy Howdy, I’m still around
I’ve just been wrapping up school things and helping a friend modify a computer game into a multiplayer game centered around a school of magic, whose name I’m desperately tip-toeing around since I’m not sure of the copyright laws.
anyway, you guys want to see my latest act of heromachinieness, not me babbling.
The Terrific Two-some of Crotch Rocket and Banana Hammock.These two are members of the Third Hero Squad, a group of heroes so bad that they didn’t even make the Junior Varsity team but instead were put into the ‘Special’ team.
Crotch Rocket has the unfortunate power of being able to shoot fire out of his groin area with pelvic thrusts. a very awkward power for many…situations.
Banana Hammock was a great hero when he started out, First Hero Squad golden boy and all that. after a night of partying and one to many blows to the head by some super-villain or another he was demoted to the Third Hero Squad…why? he developed a strange personality defect that made him completely obsessed with all things Banana.
and No the Terrific Two-some aren’t a couple…at least…not that anyone can prove.
Black GriffinParticipantKings fear my dreadful might,
All men who face me die of fright,
A spool of golden light,
My only hope in my plight,
Am I a beast to be confined to this night,
Or just a victim of fate’s cruel slight.I am very surprised.
Black GriffinParticipantWelcome to the forums, I’m a fantasy guy myself so i really am enjoying your last image.