Monthly Archives: May 2015

Character Design Contest ♯123 (All Winners Squad) Poll

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Character Design Contest ♯122 (Secret Identities) Winner

I must say, I like how we can now hit around the 200 votes mark for these polls regularly. Back when I started we'd be luck to break 100 votes for a poll. You guys have really started coming out to support our contestants that's for sure. I mean, this week managed to break 230 votes, which is one of the highest turnouts we've ever had. And it wasn't a walk-over, although having said that, two of our contestants did run off and leave the others in the dust. But they kept fighting until the end at least, so it was interesting. Anyway, our eventual winner was in fact CosmicComics for their The Judge. Congrats CC and well done to everyone else who entered, especially those who got onto the poll.

122 CosmicComics- thejudge

OCD (Open Critique Day) #28

How this goes:  You post a work of yours, finished or WIP, and then others give you critiques on your work. I do not mind if you post non-HM pictures or piece of writing. Just make sure that you only post pictures that are your own design and not any that are copyrighted or based off of copyrighted characters. 

Also, if you post a work, it is highly recommended that you also give someone else a critique.

Even this is called Open Critique Day, I allow (even welcome!) for you guys to post and discuss on this for the weekend until 11:59 pm Sunday.

Character Of The Week: Candruth- Hooded Man

You know, sometimes it's so blindingly obvious what COTW is going to be for a certain week that I end up convincing myself that, actually, there has to be something that I'm missing, something that is better. So I look around everyone's galleries from the week and find a ton of great art. And then I end up back at the obvious contender and I'm just like "Ooooooh, so that's why it was so blindly obvious." Not slighting any of the guys who make it into the Also Awesome section, you wouldn't be there if you weren't awesome (it says as much in the title), but sometimes your gut instinct is what you should go with. And of course, the whole point of that missive is because that's what happened this week. "I can't feature Candruth again, that's way too obvious, there's got to be something I've missed." 10 minutes later- "Wait, that's superb, what was I thinking."

Gallery- Candruth's Characters :3

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Caption Contest Results Postponed

Hey Folks, I am sorry I am not going to be judging the Caption contest today and will try and get it done tomorrow morning, I have been in a sort of insomniac haze today. I am tired but can't sleep and really need to get a few hours in before I go to work tonight. If by some chance I can't get to the Judging until next week I will put up both the results and a new contest. Once again sorry for the delay.

Just a Little Excited…

Doing my first on set call for Suicide Squad tonight. Outfitting the masses!

No Gallery Grabs This Week/ The Big Question ♯30

Ok guys, unfortunately there isn't going to be a Gallery Grabs this week (I'll explain why after the jump), but instead of just leaving the slot empty this week why don't we get some discussion going. And my question for you guys is, who is the greatest villain of all time?

Now you can choose from any medium you like here, I'm not just asking about comics. You can go books, TV, film, animation, video games etc. so that's a whole lot of villains for you to choose from. My question isn't who would win if all of them had a massive fight, it is who is the best at being bad. Answers below please.

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Character Design Contest ♯123- All Winners Squad

So guys, for this weeks contest, I wish for you to turn your attention to a section of Heromachine 3 that falls under the Heads category. It is titled simply "Winners" and contains the faces of some of the great and good of the Heromachine community of the past and present, including our great and powerful overlord Mr Hebert. So your challenge this week is simple. Go create me an awesome picture using one (or more) of those faces. That is the only requirement (apart from the usual rules about copyright characters etc.), the pic can be anything you want, within reason, so long as it contains one of those faces. So make them cool, make them funny, make them scary, but make sure to make them awesome.

As per usual, no limits on entries and the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

Character Design Contest ♯122 (Secret Identities) Poll

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Turns out Judges are like buses. You don't see one for ages, then suddenly two turn up at once.

Character Design Contest ♯121 (Fight Club) Winner

Anyone remember the poll we had for the "Going Japanese" contest we had last year? The one where Vectorman won by a clean 80 votes? Well, this weeks winner not only equalled that score, but broke the record for biggest win margin by 5 votes. Ok, it was the obvious winner I'll admit, but that is being a bit harsh to everyone else's work don't you think? But anyways, the decimator of this weeks poll was none other than RobM for his Corporate Arena. Congrats Rob and sorry to everyone who had to go up against him. 'twas a very one sided fight it seems.

121 RobM-Corporate-Arena