I am pleased as punch and giddy as a schoolgirl to announce the first round of the first ever HeroMachine Friday Night Fights! Below you will find eight head-to-head matchups featuring never-before-seen titans of the Super Hero genre. Choose which one you like best in each match to decide which creator moves on to Round 2 next Friday!
You have until midnight, Thursday, November 26 to cast your vote, and to exhort your friends to do the same. All Round 1 Winners will get their choice of either a portrait of themselves, or any item they like, to be included with HeroMachine 3's final release.
Good luck, everyone, and spread the word far and wide throughout the Internets to come and vote! Click on any of the actual images to see them in their larger size.
Finally, some housekeeping details ...
- I had eighteen actual entrants, so since I hadn't announced any sort of selection criteria ahead of time, I had to unfortunately go with the first sixteen submitted. The remaining two will be guaranteed as pot in the next competition, assuming we do this again.
- Matchups were decided in inverse submission order, so the first one submitted got matched up with the last one, the second submission got matched up with the second-to-last one, etc.
- All of these details are definitely open for discussion and change next time around, assuming we do this again.
- I also want to figure out something to do with all of the submissions that won't have the chance to be seen because the creators got knocked out in later rounds, so any ideas on that are very much welcome.
Once again, good luck to all, and thanks very much for your extraordinary creativity!