To up the challenge this week, I have a panel with a blank caption that is NOT, in fact, completely blank. How crazy is that?!

What is the mysterious cloud of green funk? What is the identity of the portly fellow, and what is he doing? That's up to you to decide, but somehow whatever you write to fill in that missing dialog balloon has to make sense with the white-clad fellow's "Blundering Fool!" rejoinder.
Yeah, good luck with that! The rules as usual are:
- All entries must be made as comments to this post;
- No more than three (3) entries per person;
- Keep it clean, appropriate for a PG-13 type of audience.
That's it! I'll choose a winner next Tuesday, to be selected by whichever one makes me laugh the most. So get ready to bring the funny! The winner will get to choose to have either a caricature of their face, or any one item of their choice, included with the HeroMachine 3 final version.
Good luck everyone!