Caption Contest 55: Badgering the witness

No, that's not a euphemism, it's the subject of this week's triumphant caption contest return! Come up with the best replacement dialog for the empty word balloon below and you'll win* either a) your choice of three items to be included in HeroMachine version 3 (subject to copyright laws) or b) I'll draw your face and put it in HeroMachine 3 for all the world to make into super-heroes! Here's your challenge:

(Edited to Add: Keep it clean, folks. We're going back to the PG-13 ratings, stay within the bounds of what you'd hear on a network TV sitcom. Innuendo is one thing, but outright four-letter-wording and such is going to get your entry discarded. Remember, kids read this.)


Leave your entry or entries in the comments to this post and next Tuesday I'll pick a winner. Good luck everyone!

*I'm not doing the custom illustration this week because I'm swamped and all my drawing energies are going into HeroMachine 3, so apologies if that's a disappointment, but it's the way things have to be for a bit.

(Image and characters ©2009 by Bill Willingham and DC Comics, Inc. from "Fables" number 82.)